Mystery Bird #10 - The answer
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:21 pm
I should start by saying that when Brent first showed me this photo I had absolutely no idea what it was! Another couple of views of the same bird perched on a wire.........and then it clicked!!
Those big white wing flashes do look a bit like a Skua of some sort, but did I hear a little uncertainty in each of the Skua answers? I think I did, because the construction of the white patch is not right for any Skua, and I think you all knew that!?
There was something very familiar about the distinctive rich brown colour on the rump and tail of the bird that I just couldn't put my finger on. And the shape of the wings is rather unusual too.........What a shame we couldn't see it's bill!
The bird in question is a Laughing Kookaburra. Once you know that it all becomes blindingly obvious, but I guess the fact that Heather and Robinson do not show the bird in flight may have thrown some people.
After an absolute rotter for April, you might find May a little better. At least we should have all the answers in one genus this time!!
Those big white wing flashes do look a bit like a Skua of some sort, but did I hear a little uncertainty in each of the Skua answers? I think I did, because the construction of the white patch is not right for any Skua, and I think you all knew that!?
There was something very familiar about the distinctive rich brown colour on the rump and tail of the bird that I just couldn't put my finger on. And the shape of the wings is rather unusual too.........What a shame we couldn't see it's bill!
The bird in question is a Laughing Kookaburra. Once you know that it all becomes blindingly obvious, but I guess the fact that Heather and Robinson do not show the bird in flight may have thrown some people.
After an absolute rotter for April, you might find May a little better. At least we should have all the answers in one genus this time!!