ID Quiz Rules 2010-2011

Monthly challenge to test and improve your bird identification skills.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 10:20 am
Location: Pirongia, New Zealand

ID Quiz Rules 2010-2011

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:31 am

Mystery Bird ID Quiz 2010-2011
This quiz gives you a chance to test and develop your bird identification skills.
At the start of each month we will post a new identification challenge—a bird which can be seen in the New Zealand region. You will then have two weeks to post a reply with your answer (and explanation of why you chose it if you like). Reply posts will remain hidden until that challenge closes.

Winner: The winner is whoever has the most correct answers after 12 months, or if there is a tie, the person with the most in a row. If still tied after that, the tied entrants will be offered further challenges until only one is left standing.

Random draw: Everyone who enters goes into a draw at the end of the quiz for a prize. Only one answer per person (right or wrong), per monthly challenge will count—you can change your mind on an ID, but it still only counts as one entry in the random draw.

Judges decision is final.

The Prizes!

Once again, thanks to the generosity of the guys at Wrybill Birding Tours, NZ the winner of this 2010-2011 ID Quiz will get one free place on a scheduled Wrybill Birding Tours, NZ pelagic trip from Sandspit, Whitianga, or Stewart Island. There is no time limit on taking the prize.
You can find out more about Wrybill Birding Tours, NZ, by visiting their website:

Random draw
The person chosen at random from all entries will receive a pair of Nikon Travelite V 8x25CF binoculars, thanks to Photo & Video International in Christchurch.
Check them out for photography gear and birding glass at their Merivale Mall shop, or online at

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