Salvin's albatross.
Nearly forgot this month, oops.
Bird is one of the smaller alberts/mollymawk, with hunchback profile. hard to tell from the angle but it isn't Black-browed,Grey-headed or Buller's cos they have wide black margins on edges of underwings. so it is one of the Shy Albert. group. Not White-capped, as it has black tips to underwing,also has dark spot area on lower mandible so must be Salvin's or Chatham's. Wonder where the photo was taken?
I'm going with Salvin's cos the grey area is paler than Chatham's, and I'm not sure what else, but I've seen a lot of Salvin's.
ID Challenge #5 - closes 14 November 2010
- Posts: 1939
- Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:43 am
- Location: Christchurch