Frog die-offs in Australia, please report dead frogs

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Neil Fitzgerald
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Frog die-offs in Australia, please report dead frogs

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:43 pm

From the Department of Conservation

There is a frog die off happening in Australia:
Australian frogs are dying en masse again, and we need your help to find out why (
Wildlife Health Australia > Disease Incidents > Ongoing Incidents

The Department of Conservation is monitoring for any signs of a similar issue in NZ as Australian scientists think it’s not just the amphibian chytrid fungus. If a novel disease has reached NZ, it could threaten our native frogs.

It’s important that if this is happening in NZ, we get on top of it asap. Please keep an eye out when you are in the field and reach out to your networks to see if anyone has seen anything suspicious, including strange behaviour, discolouration, sick animals, and dead frogs, especially if there are die offs of multiple frogs. At this point DOC staff are looking for records of any frog species in NZ, native or introduced.

If you or someone you know sees anything unusual:
  • Record observations of 1-3 frogs into iNaturalist
  • If you have observations of more than 3 frogs, call it in to MPI at 0800 80 99 66

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