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Mystery Bird #7 - The answer

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:46 pm
by sav
Last month I suggested that the photo of the Curlew Sandpiper showed the jizz of the bird - well this one certainly does NOT!! When I first opened the photo I thought it was a first year Black-backed Gull (just like Tony did apparently!) until I saw the underwing barring and the central tail projections, and those huge white wing flashes. So it is a skua, and on the basis of all that, either an Arctic or a Pomarine. Nick Allen summed it all up in his answer, it is a first year Arctic Skua. It doesnt have the double wing flash of a Pom, and it just isnt bulky & deep-chested enough for a Pom either.

In fact all the relative diagnostic features are apparent in the photo, as the majority of you worked out. Only Igor now has a 100% record (though there are 5 more birds to go.....). Thanks to all that tried. More next month.


Re: Mystery Bird #7 - The answer

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:49 am
by TonyWilson
Hi Sav,

Yes, in the end I went with my gut feeling on this one and just hoped that the skua field marks would some how be explained away...but they say "a photo never lies"!
Cheers, Tony.