World’s largest marine park launched in the Cooks

Birds of the islands and waters of the South Pacific.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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World’s largest marine park launched in the Cooks

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:57 pm

The world’s largest marine park has been launched in the Cook Islands. ... rine-park/
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Michael Szabo
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Re: World’s largest marine park launched in the Cooks

Postby Michael Szabo » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:38 am

Thanks for posting this story, Neil. Reading it I was struck by the following quote:

"The marine park will provide the necessary framework to promote sustainable development by balancing economic growth interests such as tourism, fishing and deep sea mining with conserving core biodiversity in the ocean"

Hmm - a marine park doesn't strike me as the best place for deep sea mining and fishing, especially if you're trying to protect biodiversity and the environment. More like it's a nice sounding name for "more mining" and "more fishing".

What will they think of next? A 'mining park' to protect the environment? Or a 'fishing park' to protect fish stocks, perhaps?
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Re: World’s largest marine park launched in the Cooks

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:30 am

I noticed the same thing. The title suggests one thing, the reality may be another. Maybe by "park" they mean a place where industry can run, play and laugh in freedom?

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