2 White Herons near the Ashley Estuary?

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2 White Herons near the Ashley Estuary?

Postby AngryBird45 » Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:37 pm

So this afternoon I was doing some quick birding to find a Sanderling at the Ashley Estuary, and I saw what I'm very sure is a White Heron there, as it looked too big to be a Little Egret.

But, I also found what seems to be a White Heron at the Pegasus Wetlands (see photo).

And when I was observing the bird both times, it didn't move away from its location.

So, this means 3 things:

1. In the ~20 minutes I biked from the Ashley Estuary to Pegasus Wetlands, the heron flew between both locations.

2. I misidentified one of the herons (maybe the ashley one?).

3. There are actually 2 White Herons in the Ashley Estuary-Pegasus Wetlands area.
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Re: 2 White Herons near the Ashley Estuary?

Postby Wrybill » Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:05 am

Likely But I have no idea i have had the same problem but with a Caspian tern at the Otaki Estuary and Waitohu estuary just a 10-15 bike ride away.
128 Species on my life-list, Latest Lifer Australasian Bittern, Mangarakau Swamp

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