Marsden Cove pelagic - 9 Jan 2023

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Marsden Cove pelagic - 9 Jan 2023

Postby sav » Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:03 pm

Hi all,

I had arranged a pelagic out of Marsden Cove for 4 Jan 2023, but a large storm has put paid to that. Some of the original participants cannot make the re-arranged date of 9 January - so there are some spots left.

The storm will have had very strong and sustained NE winds, which of course may have encouraged some real goodies to come down. Who knows??

Anyone interested should contact me -

The cost will be shared and will depend on whether we can get out to the Grey Ternlets at the Mokohinau Islands - but $250/300 is about the range. The boat is comfortable and smart. Tea and coffee (and a real toilet!) on board.

Sav Saville
Wrybill Birding Tours, NZ
Great Birds, Real Birders

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