Site update, Monday am - forums unavailable problems, tips, feature suggestions etc.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Site update, Monday am - forums unavailable

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:52 pm

I'm planning to update the forum software tomorrow morning, probably from about 9 am. The forums will be unavailable for some time. Judging from recent activity this time should interrupt few people. If it all goes smoothly it might only take a few minutes, but if it doesn't... please bear with me.
This update will introduce some great new features; some you probably won't notice, others will (I think) bring significant new functionality. Stay tuned.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Re: Site update, Monday am - forums unavailable

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:38 pm

It took a little longer than I thought, but we should now be working again. If you notice anything that seems bung please let me know ASAP.

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