Daily Digest

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Re: Daily Digest

Postby jdowding » Fri May 20, 2016 11:35 pm

Mmm, the trouble is that if you don't want any digests, you have to unsubscribe from the Yahoo list. I've done that, and I'm not getting the digest any more, but I'd rather have stayed on that list too. Not your fault I guess - just a sad fact that if you're subscribed to the Yahoo group, you have no choice but to get them now.
John Dowding
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Re: Daily Digest

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Sat May 21, 2016 8:51 am

That is true John. However it has essentially been that way for the past seven years. The difference is that now you will only get up to one email pet day, while before you were getting a separate email (then titled an 'alert') for each individual post, so at times several a day.
It is an unfortunate cost of trying to cater for the yahoo members who don't want to have to also register for the website emails. For some people that is too difficult. I got that message loud and clear!
If the consensus amongst the yahoo listers had shifted, I can very easily remove them from the digests recipients.

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