Member contact details problems, tips, feature suggestions etc.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 10:20 am
Location: Pirongia, New Zealand

Member contact details

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Thu May 19, 2016 11:40 am

Some of you may be wondering where the links to email of private message (PM) a member have gone. They are still there, just a little more hidden than before. Look for the three dots after "Contact" in the persons profile details. Click on the dots to show all the contact options that member has allowed, then select the one you want.
Click on the dots after "Contact" for links to the contact options a member has allowed.
member-contacts.jpg (29.33 KiB) Viewed 20154 times

Remember, you can turn on and off which options people can see to contact you via your User Control Panel. Email and PM have yes/no switches, and other things like websites or facebook pages will be turned on if you put a valid address in the appropriate place. There are now lots of options here, so by putting them behind the "..." prevents the profile space from being too cluttered.

Also, it is highly recommended that you don't put your email address into the body of a post message. If you do that there is a very high chance that a spammer will collect your address and at some stage you will find your email inbox filling up with spam, or worse. The contact links are not visible to non-registered 'guests', and new members with less than one post (i.e. there is a good chance they are a decent, real human).

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