Email notifications problems, tips, feature suggestions etc.
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Neil Fitzgerald
Site Admin
Posts: 3693
Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 10:20 am
Location: Pirongia, New Zealand

Email notifications

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Mon May 25, 2009 10:14 pm

There are a lot of settings that members can use to customise the forum to suit personal preferences. One of the most important for many people, especially those more familiar with email listservers, is how notification of new messages to the board are handled.
By default, when you post a message you will be subscribed to that topic and will be sent an email message from the forum software as soon as someone else posts to that topic. The message will have a link to the new post on the website. If you want to be sent notifications of posts to topics that you haven't yet posted to, you can easily do so by clicking the "Subscribe topic" link near the bottom left of the page for that topic
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By clicking on the "Bookmark topic"
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link you can keep a collection of links to topics of interest which you can then access through your User Control Panel (link near the top of the page).

If you would like to know when something new is posted to a forum, you should click the "Subscribe board" link at the bottom of the main page for that forum
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You will then receive an email notification when a new topic is started, or reply is posted to an existing topic. This is a good way to be alerted to breaking birding news between visits to the site.

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