BirdingNZ will be down for a bit problems, tips, feature suggestions etc.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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BirdingNZ will be down for a bit

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:13 pm

At some stage over the next few weeks I am going to be moving BirdingNZ to a new host. The site will be locked or completely unavailable while this is underway. I'm not yet sure when I'll have the time, but the need is urgent and I haven't been given much notice. I'll update this thread when I have a better idea of when this will happen.
My first priority is to ensure the security of the tens of thousands of valuable posts we have here, and getting the site back up and running as quickly as possible. This may mean the look and some of the functionality obtained though extensions might not be 100% straight away.
On the plus side, in the end I expect performance and features to be improved. I'll keep you posted.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Location: Pirongia, New Zealand

Re: BirdingNZ will be down for a bit

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:50 am

I have completed the first, and hopefully most disruptive stage. This involved copying the entire site from servers in the US and recreating it on servers in Auckland. It appears to be working ok, but let me know if something seems wrong.
I still need to apply upgrades to the forum software, but have a bit of work to do to get the customizations working on it first.

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