Another(?) GREAT SHEARWATER @Kaikoura

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Another(?) GREAT SHEARWATER @Kaikoura

Postby sav » Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:45 am

Garry Melville, from Albatross Encounter in Kaikoura, has just phoned to say that he has had a Great Shearwater this morning in more or less the same place that I saw one on Friday.

I guess it pretty much has to be the same individual hanging about........Steve Wood might be there tomorrow, Brent is in Christchurch heading South (!!??) on tour....

For Jan : certainly a Great, rather than Streaked, Shearwater. I have not seen Streaked anywhere but it is a very different looking bird - big pale bill, no dark cap, pale face, no white collar or rump patch

Sav Saville
Wrybill Birding Tours, NZ
Great Birds, Real Birders

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