Small influx of NZ Kaka in Whakatane

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Small influx of NZ Kaka in Whakatane

Postby erikforsyth » Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:55 pm

Hi all

Kaka are rare on this northern coastal plain although I hear or see 1-3 birds fairly regularly flying high over the house. The birds are usually flying in a North-easterly direction and may be heading to Whale Island, a few miles off the coast.

Last Friday I recorded 11 birds, the largest group so far. Over this past weekend and today, 3-5 birds have been heard and seen flying around Mokorua Bush Reserve and most likely roosting nearby. Would be great if they were to re-establish in this area as there are many large trees.

Erik Forsyth
Rockjumper Birding Tours

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