Hi team, 1 WW Bl Tern in winter plumage on the Bromley Oxidation Ponds in late June (I'm guessing the same bird that was reported in autumn?)
3 WW Bl Terns, all in winter plumage in two paddocks in Mid Canterbury on 27 June. 1 with a flock of 84 B/F Terns at 552 Christys Road, and 2 with 19 B/F Terns at 303 Le Bretons Rd. They were feeding over ploughed paddocks - a favourite of B/F tern flocks. Last year on a similar paddock closer to Chertsy a single breeding-plumaged WW Bl tern was with a very large B/F Tern flock, and there's been regular sightings of 1-2 at the Ashburton RM.
WW Bl Terns in Canty 2winter 2024
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