eBird Global Big Day at The Petrel Station - 13 MAY 2023

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eBird Global Big Day at The Petrel Station - 13 MAY 2023

Postby ourspot » Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:11 pm

eBird GLOBAL BIG DAY at The Petrel Station - 13 MAY 2023
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Be part of the world’s biggest birding event! I've got a special pelagic seabird trip out to The Petrel Station on the 13th May to coincide with Cornell Lab's 'eBird Global Big Day' event ... and out at The Petrel Station we've got a very good chance of adding a bunch of stunning seabirds to the Global Big Day list that won't get seen anywhere else in the world on the day!

Bird watchers from all around the world will be getting out on the day and recording their sightings to see how many bird species can be seen globally in a single day (in 2022 over 7,600 bird species were recorded - nearly three-quarters of the world’s bird species!).

And of course all sightings on the day will be added to the outstanding eBird sighting database.

So if you're keen for a great day out with some stunning seabirds, and getting to be part of the Global Big Day then get in touch and book a spot to join us. The Petrel Station trips go offshore from Tutukaka in northern New Zealand.

Scott Brooks
‘The Petrel Station’ pelagic seabird trips
Tutukaka, New Zealand

P : 021 322 324
E : seabirds@thepetrelstation.nz
Facebook : The Petrel Station : Tutukaka Pelagic Seabird Trips - NZ
Instagram : www.instagram.com/thepetrelstation
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Re: eBird Global Big Day at The Petrel Station - 13 MAY 2023

Postby ourspot » Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:02 pm

Just an update: There's now only 2 spaces left on The Petrel Station / Global Big Day pelagic seabird trip.

If interested in a great day out with the seabirds get in touch :)

Cheers Scott
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Re: eBird Global Big Day at The Petrel Station - 13 MAY 2023

Postby ourspot » Wed May 10, 2023 6:16 pm

Hi all

There's still one place left on this Saturdays (13th May) 'eBird Global Big Day' pelagic seabird trip out to The Petrel Station.

Weather and swell conditions are looking fantastic for a great day out on the water with the seabirds so get in touch if you're keen to join.

In autumn it’s migration time for the seabirds heading up from the southern oceans so there’s potential for some scarcer species passing through, and also a good variety of albatross species show up in the area. The local winter breeders will have started to return and begin to build in numbers as well. And hopefully there’ll still be a few Grey Ternlets around too.

Find out lots more at: www.thepetrelstation.nz

Scott Brooks
The Petrel Station pelagic seabird tour
Tutukaka, New Zealand

P : 021 322 324
E : seabirds@thepetrelstation.nz

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