Christchurch Birding Tournament - more people needed

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Christchurch Birding Tournament - more people needed

Postby AngryBird45 » Thu Jul 13, 2023 6:42 am

I've created a birding tournament in Christchurch if you're interested in joining.

Location: Christchurch Bus Interchange
Time: Meet and start at 10am, arrive back by 3pm
Rules: You have to find as many bird species in Christchurch as possible in 5 hours using only the bus or walking. You cannot go further than Templeton, Prebbleton or the Waimakariri River.

Make sure to keep a checklist that includes every single bird species you see with X counts except House Sparrow - it just makes things a lot easier.

To stop people going to the obvious hotspots immediately, if you get physically tagged, you lose a species, which is kept track of using the House Sparrow count, because let's be honest, everyone will find one immediately.

If you're interested, message me and I will add you to a group chat.
Last edited by AngryBird45 on Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
140 birds on my life list since 17 June 2020, latest bird Black-browed Albatross.
123 birds on my 2024 year list as of 2 July, latest bird Westland Petrel.

15 y/o birder from the Waimak and Paradise Shelduck campaigner:
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Re: Christchurch Birding Tournament - 16 July

Postby paradoxdinokipi » Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:24 pm

Lol, that sounds like great fun, would participate if I wasn't in Auckland.
my inat: & ebird account is linked in that profile :)
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Re: Christchurch Birding Tournament - 16 July

Postby AngryBird45 » Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:38 am

paradoxdinokipi wrote:Lol, that sounds like great fun, would participate if I wasn't in Auckland.

You sure the hundreds of dollars to purchase a flight to Christchurch isn't worth it?
140 birds on my life list since 17 June 2020, latest bird Black-browed Albatross.
123 birds on my 2024 year list as of 2 July, latest bird Westland Petrel.

15 y/o birder from the Waimak and Paradise Shelduck campaigner:
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Re: Christchurch Birding Tournament - 16 July

Postby AngryBird45 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:25 am

I might have to postpone it to next week if not enough people join.
140 birds on my life list since 17 June 2020, latest bird Black-browed Albatross.
123 birds on my 2024 year list as of 2 July, latest bird Westland Petrel.

15 y/o birder from the Waimak and Paradise Shelduck campaigner:
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Re: Christchurch Birding Tournament - 22/23 July

Postby AngryBird45 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:45 pm

Yeah - the date's being changed to 22 or 23 July, if more people can make it 23 July it'll be that date, otherwise it's 22 July.
140 birds on my life list since 17 June 2020, latest bird Black-browed Albatross.
123 birds on my 2024 year list as of 2 July, latest bird Westland Petrel.

15 y/o birder from the Waimak and Paradise Shelduck campaigner:
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Re: Christchurch Birding Tournament - 22/23 July

Postby AngryBird45 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:42 am

And you don't need to notify me as long as you arrive earlier.
140 birds on my life list since 17 June 2020, latest bird Black-browed Albatross.
123 birds on my 2024 year list as of 2 July, latest bird Westland Petrel.

15 y/o birder from the Waimak and Paradise Shelduck campaigner:

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