Random draw winner

Monthly challenge to test and improve your bird identification skills.
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Neil Fitzgerald
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Posts: 3697
Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 10:20 am
Location: Pirongia, New Zealand

Random draw winner

Postby Neil Fitzgerald » Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:28 pm

The winner of a pair of Nikon binoculars, drawn by JP from all the entries in the 2010/11 mystery bird quiz is...

Andrew Thomas (aka harrier.talon)!

Thanks to everyone who had a go at it. Hopefully in the not too distant future we'll kick off another round.

I'd like to say a big thank you to Photo and Video for supporting us and putting up a great prize. They have been a bit shaken up in Christchurch, but the shop is still open and they always have great online service. Why not reciprocate the support next time you're in the market for binos, a tripod, or anything photographic.
Check them out here: www.photo.co.nz


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